Learning Strategies (or how to avoid wasting time on useless approaches to learning)

Time is precious. I think most people, whatever their situation, would agree and none more so than students who are also employees, partners, parents etc. For this reason, it is essential to understand how we learn best so when time is available for studying, we can maximise its efficacy and efficiency.

Although I’ve picked up nuggets here and there in my own studies, the playlist below does a good job of covering the main concepts. (I found the tips on how to use textbooks to enhance learning the most useful reminder.)

Personally, I think the caveat that automaticity of any strategies takes time is worth remembering. Forming the habits that lead to the payoffs is not an overnight (or even ‘overweek’) occurrence, so sticking with it is the key, even when other more tempting strategies (such as goal-less highlighting or re-reading) seem much easier and effective: the evidence is clear that they simply are not and – against social proof – just because your classmates are doing it doesn’t make it useful.

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